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      Apple News Facebook Twitter 新浪微博 Instagram YouTube Friday, May 10, 2024

      Joint Statement between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of the Philippines

      (People's Daily)    17:52, November 21, 2018

      21 November 2018, Manila

      1. Upon the invitation of His Excellency Rodrigo Roa Duterte, President of the Republic of the Philippines, His Excellency Xi Jinping, President of the People's Republic of China, paid a State Visit to the Philippines on 20-21 November 2018.

      During the visit, the two Leaders held a bilateral meeting, wherein they recalled the history of friendly exchanges between China and Philippines, charted the course for the future of China-Philippines bilateral relations, had in-depth exchange of views on regional and international issues of common interest, and reached important consensus.

      President Xi Jinping also had a joint meeting with the Honorable House Speaker Gloria Macapagal Arroyo and the Honorable Senate President Vicente Castelo Sotto III.

      2. The Philippines congratulates China for its impressive achievements over the past four decades of its reform and opening up, and wishes China well in realizing its Two Centenary Goals. China congratulates the Philippines on its outstanding progress in upholding national security as well as in promoting sustainable economic growth and social development under the leadership of President Duterte, and expresses best wishes for the greater development of the Philippines.

      3. Both sides agree that the sound development of China-Philippines relations serves the fundamental interests of the two peoples. Both sides recognize that the bilateral relations have achieved a positive turnaround and a sound momentum of development through the joint efforts and mutual trust of both sides. Both sides acknowledge that intensified efforts are required in order to achieve meaningful gains from cooperation agreements that were initiated.

      4. The two leaders recognize that the elevation of China-Philippines relations to higher levels is in line with the fundamental interests and shared aspiration of the two countries and peoples. Thus, on the basis of mutual respect, sincerity, equality, mutual benefit and win-win cooperation, the leaders decided to establish the relationship of Comprehensive Strategic Cooperation.

      5. Both sides reaffirm the importance of existing China-Philippines bilateral dialogue mechanisms such as the Foreign Ministry Consultations, Consular Consultations, Joint Commission on Economic and Trade Cooperation, Annual Defense Security Talks, Joint Committee on Agriculture, Joint Committee on Fisheries, and the Joint Commission Meeting on Science and Technology, among others, in enhancing understanding, broadening cooperation, and striving for a stronger partnership.

      6. The two Leaders agree to maintain close high-level communication through bilateral visits, phone calls, exchange of letters, and side meetings in multilateral fora, so as to strengthen the planning of bilateral relations, institute timely communication on major regional and international issues, and promote the sharing of experience in state governance. The Philippines reaffirmed its observance of the One-China principle.

      7. Both sides welcomed the signing of the MOU on Cooperation on the Belt and Road Initiative. Both sides also welcome the contributions of similar connectivity initiatives in the region, including the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity (MPAC) 2025.

      8. The two countries recognize that defense and military cooperation are significant components of bilateral relations and contribute to the peace and stability of the region. Both sides will jointly implement the MOU on Defense Cooperation through practical cooperation in the areas of counter-terrorism, humanitarian assistance, disaster response and mitigation, and peacekeeping operations.

      9. Both sides recognize the need to advance cooperation and collaboration in matters relating to health. The two Leaders agree to continue jointly promoting and developing cooperation in the Fields of Health through exchanges and cooperation in the fields of traditional medicine, human resource development for public health experts and medical scientists, public health, ICT application in health care, and health management.

      10. China reiterates its firm support to the Philippine government's efforts in fighting against illicit drugs and drug-related crimes, and expresses willingness to strengthen cooperation in areas including combating the smuggling of illegal drugs and their precursor chemicals, intelligence sharing, joint investigation and operation as well as drug rehabilitation. The Philippines spoke highly of the completion of the drug rehabilitation center in Sarangani Province and the construction of the rehabilitation center in Agusan del Sur, both financed by China through grants, and conveyed its appreciation to China for its assistance in personnel training and donation of drug detection, seizure, and testing equipment.

      11. Both sides strongly condemn terrorism in all forms and committed to cooperate in the areas of information exchange, and capacity building, among others, to jointly prevent and address such threats. The Philippines expresses appreciation for China's support and assistance to the Philippines in counter-terrorism efforts and in the recovery, rehabilitation and reconstruction of Marawi City.

      12. Both sides agree to strengthen law enforcement cooperation, and will enhance cooperation and communication to combat transnational crimes, including job-related crimes, telecommunications fraud, illegal on-line gambling, cybercrimes, human trafficking and illegal wildlife trade. Both sides agree to speed up the discussions with a view to signing a bilateral agreement on Transfer of Sentenced Persons.

      13. Both sides hail the progress in bilateral trade and economic cooperation, and will continue to actively implement the Six-Year Development Program for Trade and Economic Cooperation (2017-2022), The two sides agree to promote bilateral trade and investment settlements denominated in domestic currencies, and further strengthen exchanges and cooperation between the two customs, to further facilitate economic and trade activities.

      14. China expressed its commitment to import more high-quality agricultural products including tropical fruits from the Philippines through expeditious completion of the accreditation process to enhance two-way trade balance.

      15. The two sides will speed up the implementation of the China-Philippines Industrial Park Development Program, which was signed during this visit, and will continue to provide an enabling environment for their enterprises to invest in each other's country.

      16. Both sides recognize that infrastructure cooperation has been a highlight of China-Philippines bilateral cooperation. The two sides will work for the timely completion of the Chico River Pump Irrigation Project and the Binondo-Intramuros and Estrella-Pantaleon Bridges, facilitate the implementation of projects such as the New Centennial Water Source – Kaliwa Dam Project, the Safe Philippines Project Phase I and the Philippine National Railways South Long Haul Project, and other priority projects lined up for feasibility study support and implementation, and ensure effective implementation of ongoing projects. Both sides will work towards the formulation of relevant procedures and protocols for government concessional loan (Renminbi-denominated loan), and utilize preferential buyer's credit, commercial loans for development and co-financing arrangements between China and multilateral development banks, and provide financial support to key infrastructure projects.

      17. Both sides will give full play to the role of the Sino-Philippine Center for Agricultural Technology (PhilSCAT) Technical Cooperation Phase (TCP) III, and promote cooperation in the fields of high quality seeds, agriculture infrastructure and machinery. Both sides will step up cooperation in fishery. The Philippines appreciates China's donation of the first batch of 100,000 grouper seeds in 2017 and assistance in relevant capacity building, and welcomes the upcoming donation of another 100,000 grouper seeds in November 2018 and 15,000 fresh water fish seeds for broodstock development early next year. Both sides will exchange best practices and cooperate in projects on poverty alleviation.

      18. Both sides agree to promote cooperation in Science and Technology through exchange of experts and scientists, best practice sharing, joint researches, high tech park cooperation, joint organization of seminars, symposiums, and workshops, and other forms of cooperation mutually agreed upon under the framework of the Joint Commission Meeting on Science and Technology. Both sides agree to implement collaborative efforts on rice research, bamboo post-harvest and processing, renewable energy, green oil from cashew, traditional medicine, and technology transfer. The Ministry of Science and Technology of China also expresses readiness to host young Filipino scientists to China for the Talented Young Scientists Program (TYSP), so as to support the capacity building of the Philippines. Both sides welcome the adoption of the ASEAN-China Joint Statement on Science, Technology and Innovation Cooperation during the 21st ASEAN-China Leaders' Meeting.

      19. Both sides will encourage cooperation in the area of information and communication technology (ICT) to improve their respective technology and service capabilities.

      20. Both sides recognize that the growing Chinese tourist arrivals in the Philippines over the past years have contributed to the economic growth of the Philippines. Both sides will encourage their citizens to travel to each other's country, strengthen cooperation in tourism infrastructure development and encourage airlines to open more direct flights between cities of the two countries, in order to further facilitate people-to-people exchanges.

      21. The two sides fully recognize the importance of education exchanges including technical vocational education and training (TVET) and cooperation in enhancing the understanding and friendship between the two countries, and encouraged relevant government agencies and educational institutions of various types and levels to engage in active cooperation.

      China will provide an additional 50 Chinese Government Scholarships Grants for Philippine students on annual basis from 2019-2021. Both sides will implement the Executive Program of Cultural Agreement between China and the Philippines, 2019-2023 signed during the visit and encourage their cultural institutions and groups to increase exchange of visits.

      China will set up a Chinese Culture Center in the Philippines. Both sides supported more twinning agreements between their cities and provinces.

      22. Both sides agree to strengthen its bilateral relations in the field of labor and employment and committed to implement the Memorandum of Understanding on the Employment of Filipino Teachers of English Language in China which was signed on 10 April 2018 in Boao, China, and welcome the implementation of arrangements for Filipino teachers of the English language working in China. The MOU signifies China's cognizance of the qualifications and competence of Filipino teachers to work in tertiary educational institutions as teachers of the English language. The MOU also endeavors for both countries to ensure the protection and promotion of the welfare of teachers while working onsite.

      23. The Philippines welcomes the official launch of the Chinese Consulate-General in Davao City. Reciprocal arrangements for diplomatic premises in both countries will be made in the spirit of the 1975 Joint Communiqué, on the basis of international practice and reciprocity, with priority given to the most immediate concerns.

      24. Both sides exchanged views on issues regarding the South China Sea, and reaffirmed that contentious issues are not the sum total of China-Philippines bilateral relations and should not exclude mutually beneficial cooperation in other fields. Both sides also reaffirm the importance of maintaining and promoting regional peace and stability, freedom of navigation in and over-flight above the South China Sea. Both sides stay committed to addressing disputes by peaceful means, without resorting to the threat or use of force, through friendly consultations and negotiations by sovereign states directly concerned, in accordance with universally recognized principles of international law, including the Charter of the United Nations and the 1982 UNCLOS.

      25. Both sides note that the situation in the South China Sea has become generally more stable as a result of joint cooperative efforts between China, the Philippines, and other ASEAN Member States. Both sides, together with ASEAN Member States, will work for the full and effective implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC) in its entirety. Both sides agreed to maintain the positive momentum of the negotiations on the Single Draft Code of Conduct (COC) Negotiating Text, with a view towards the early adoption of an effective COC, based on consensus.

      26. Both sides agree to exercise self-restraint in the conduct of activities in the South China Sea that would complicate or escalate disputes and affect peace and stability. Both sides also note the importance of confidence-building measures to increase mutual trust and confidence. In this regard, both sides affirm the importance of the Bilateral Consultation Mechanism on the South China Sea and the Maritime Cooperation Joint Committee between the two Coast Guards.

      The two sides agree to maximize and strengthen the on-going coast guard, defense and military dialogue and liaison mechanisms, with a view to facilitating quick responses to situations on the ground and contributing to the enhancement of mutual trust and confidence between their coast guard and defense agencies.

      27. Both sides welcome the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation on Oil and Gas Development between the two governments, and agree to discuss maritime cooperation including maritime oil and gas exploration, sustainable use of mineral, energy and other marine resources.

      They also agree to strengthen existing cooperation mechanisms in other maritime-related areas. Both sides agree to cooperate in the implementation of relevant international maritime instruments to ensure the safety of life at sea, marine environmental protection, and human resources development.

      28. The two sides spoke positively of the development of China-ASEAN relations, and congratulated the 15th Anniversary of the China-ASEAN Strategic Partnership and the China-ASEAN Year of Innovation. Both sides welcomed the adoption of the China-ASEAN Strategic Partnership Vision 2030 during the 21st China-ASEAN Leaders' Meeting. China supports the Philippines as the Country Coordinator of the China-ASEAN Dialogue Relations and the coordinator for cooperation between China and BIMP-EAGA. The Philippines welcomes and supports the enhancement of cooperation between China and BIMP EAGA, which will contribute to ASEAN Community Building and China-ASEAN cooperation.

      29. Both sides agree to promote international peace and security, a rules-based multilateral free trade regime, and promote development, as well as enhance cooperation under relevant multilateral frameworks including the United Nations (UN) system.

      30. Both sides welcomed the signing of various agreements and Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) during the visit, as listed in the Annex.

      31. The two sides agree that the milestone visit of President Xi Jinping has contributed to the advancement of friendship and cooperation between China and the Philippines. President Xi Jinping appreciated the warm and friendly hospitality accorded to him and his delegation by President Duterte and the Philippine government, and extended an invitation to President Duterte to attend the second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation to be held in Beijing, China in April 2019. President Duterte accepted the invitation with pleasure.



      (For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Web editor: Bianji, Hongyu)

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