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      Certain countries must stop sending wrong signals to "Taiwan independence" separatist?forces

      By Zhong Sheng (People's Daily) 15:08, January 23, 2024

      Following the elections of China's Taiwan region, over 100 countries and international organizations have reaffirmed their commitment to the one-China principle, their firm support for China's effort to safeguard the nation's sovereignty and territorial integrity, their opposition to any form of "Taiwan independence" and their support for China's cause of national reunification. What they have made is the voice of justice and peace.

      However, the United States and a few other countries sought to use the event to engage in political manipulation and published so-called statements "congratulating" the election victor. Such practices are serious interference of China's internal affairs and violation of China's sovereignty, and go against a universally recognized basic norm in international relations and a prevailing consensus among the international community.

      The Taiwan question is China's internal affair and elections in the Taiwan region are purely China's internal affairs. Whatever changes take place in Taiwan, the basic fact that there is only one China in the world and Taiwan is part of China will not change.

      The Cairo Declaration, Potsdam Proclamation and other legally binding international instruments that have established the post-World War II international order all provide the historical and jurisprudential basis for the fact that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory.

      While the two sides across the Taiwan Strait have yet to be reunified, the sovereignty and territory of China have never been severed. The legal status and the fact that Taiwan is an integral part of China's territory have never changed. This represents the true status quo of the Taiwan question.

      The one-China principle is the political premise on which China establishes and develops diplomatic relations with other countries. China has consistently and firmly opposed any form of official contact between the Taiwan region and countries having diplomatic ties with China, and interfering in Taiwan affairs in any way or under any pretext.

      A few countries have manipulated narratives to mislead the public, with an aim to cover and gloss over their erroneous practices that interfere in China's internal affairs and violate the basic norm governing international relations.

      They hyped the so-called "democratic values," trying to support "Taiwan independence" in the name of "democracy." The Taiwan question is not about democracy, but about China's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

      The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authorities, in collusion with external forces, have been foisting a trumped-up narrative of "democracy versus authoritarianism," fanning up the institutional difference between Taiwan and the mainland. Such efforts to pursue "Taiwan independence" in the name of democracy are very dangerous and go against the interests and wellbeing of people in Taiwan.

      The future of Taiwan lies in China's reunification. The difference in social systems is neither an obstacle to reunification nor a justification for secessionism.

      A few countries are all talk when it comes to the "peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait," while turning a blind eye to the actual threats that jeopardize it. The one-China principle is what underpins peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait. "Taiwan independence" is as incompatible with peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait as fire with water.

      The real threat to cross-Strait peace and stability is the DPP authorities' unwillingness to recognize the 1992 Consensus which embodies the one-China principle, separatist activities to seek "Taiwan independence" and attempts to change the status quo that both sides of the Taiwan Strait belong to one and the same China.

      Certain countries have been fudging and hollowing out the one-China principle, and echoing and collaborating with "Taiwan independence" forces in political, military and economic dimensions.

      They only say they want peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, but ignore the separatist activities to seek "Taiwan independence." This will only embolden the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces to solicit foreign support and cause greater damage to cross-Strait peace and stability.

      These countries only say they want to solve the Taiwan question peacefully, but never show support for China's peaceful reunification. In essence, they are hindering China's efforts to pursue reunification and separating the two sides across the Taiwan Strait.

      Certain countries claimed that they are committed to maintaining the peaceful resolution of differences, free from coercion and pressure. In recent years, the DPP authorities have damaged the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations, blatantly obstructed cross-Strait exchanges and cooperation, and continuously escalated the tense and volatile situation across the Taiwan Strait.

      A few countries, in an attempt to mislead the public, disguised the DPP authorities as a "victim" so that the latter could win "compassion" from the international community. They hyped the rhetoric that they are committed to maintaining the peaceful resolution of differences, free from coercion and pressure, just to hinder the Chinese government and people from deterring separatist activities for Taiwan independence.

      The Chinese government and people are ready to create vast space for peaceful reunification; but they will leave no room for separatist activities in any form. They will work with the greatest sincerity and exert their utmost efforts to achieve peaceful reunification; but they will not renounce the use of force, and they reserve the option of taking all necessary measures.

      Taiwan has never been a country and will never be one. The recent decision of Nauru to sever "diplomatic relations" with Taiwan and resume diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China once again proved that the one-China principle is where the global opinion trends and where the arc of history bends.

      China believes that the international community will keep supporting the one-China principle, understand and support the Chinese people's just cause of opposing "Taiwan independence" separatist activities, and their striving to achieve national reunification.

      China urges relevant countries to earnestly abide by the one-China principle and the three China-U.S. joint communiques, stop all forms of official contact with Taiwan, stop sending wrong signals to "Taiwan independence" separatist forces, and sincerely support China's peaceful reunification.

      (Zhong Sheng is a pen name often used by People's Daily to express its views on foreign policy and international affairs.)

      (Web editor: Chang Sha, Liang Jun)


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